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The Guardian: Do heat pumps work at freezing temperatures?

Guardian article by Jillian Ambrose uses Electrify Research data on homeowner buy-in to myths around heat pumps.

The belief that a heat pump is unable to warm a home in the depths of winter is widely held, especially in the UK.

One recent survey of more than 4,000 adults across the UK, Germany, France and the US last autumn found that 35% believed that air-source heat pumps are not up to the job.

The study, undertaken by the data company Electrify Research, found that more than 40% of Britons agreed that heat pumps are not up to the challenge compared with 36% in Germany, 35% in the US and 26% in France.

The research report described the UK’s markedly higher scepticism as “ironic” given that its winter temperatures are far milder than in Norway, where the average winter temperature is -7C and heat pumps are installed in two-thirds of homes.


Link to the full article

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